Ranjit Sondhi welcomed to the meeting Julie Panagarry,
representing the North West RAC, Katherine Byles, representing the
West RAC, and from the 大象传媒, David Levy, Controller Public Policy,
John Allen, Head of New Services English Regions and Heather Summerfield,
Public Accountability Manager.
Matters Arising from the July Forum Meeting and Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record
with no amendments.
All Matters Arising were covered in the agenda.
Chairman's Report Board of Governors Meetings: Ranjit Sondhi reported that
the main business discussed at recent Board meetings included the
大象传媒 Annual Report, the submission to the DCMS ahead of the 大象传媒i
Review, the Digital Curriculum, Charter Review and the Communications
The Hutton Inquiry Report was unlikely to be published before the
end of the year. Members were directed to the inquiry website at
The Governors had approved proposals for determining interim Tier
2 quotas with Ofcom and Andy Griffee agreed to produce a report
on independent production and production quotas for the next ENF
ENF VIP Drinks Reception 2004: It was agreed to hold this
event at Television Centre.
External Assessment: Independent Assessors would review
a half hour segment from 11 local radio station breakfast programmes.
Nicola Williams agreed to chair their meeting.
Advisory Council Website Pilot: Members considered the results
of a questionnaire sent to subscribers. They agreed that questions
put to the Controller English Regions under the Controller's Comment
initiative, and his response to them, would be posted on the site.
It was also agreed to use it to facilitate timely feedback to network
programme makers.
RAC Programme Reviews Regional Lunchtime Bulletins: Members discussed a number
of aspects related to the lunchtime bulletins including the range
of stories and issues, geographical coverage, scripting and programme
The opportunity to access regional news on digital was welcomed;
it gave viewers real choice. It was unfortunate Freeview did not
offer the same.
Comments on individual news programmes included on-screen diversity
and reflecting multi-cultural communities, the treatment of human
interest stories, outside broadcast locations, the structuring of
interviews and interview techniques, and sports coverage.
Late Evening Bulletins: members acknowledged the bulletins
had doubled in length as a result of pressure put on the 大象传媒 by
the ENF but felt there was still room for improvement.
Andy Griffee agreed to provide members with a video compilation
of late news bulletins from around the country.
The Sonia Deol Programme on the Asian Network: Members considered
the innovative nature of the Network, its appeal to non-Asian listeners,
its name, the quality of the programme's presenter and the on-air
debate they had reviewed.
ENF members were invited to a meeting for former Asian Network
Advisory Council members and other council members who had expressed
an interest, to discuss coverage for minority audiences.
Ranjit Sondhi agreed to write to the Asian Network to compliment
them on their success so far.
Where I Live Sites: Members debated the age range the sites
were aimed at and their appeal to a wider range of users. They felt
the sites met users' expectations. Comments included 'informative',
'interesting', and 'a wide range of subjects with no obvious gaps.'
The sites were recognised for the opportunities they provided for
young talent. Members were also pleased that text-only versions
were available for users with visual impairments.
Issues discussed included navigating the sites, graphics, language,
and the amount of health, outdoor activities and faiths' information
to be found.
John Allen said the sites delivered English Regions content to
under-served young people between 18-35 who were not using regional
and local services but still paid a licence fee.
Controller's Report
Andy Griffee reported on capital developments in the past two years
and additional investment in new services. He went on to discuss
the impact of increased National Insurance and pension contributions
and significant rent increases on next year's budget.
Audience figures for The Politics Show and Inside Out were substantially
higher since the move to 大象传媒 One. The new SON&R Centre at 大象传媒
Bristol was bringing programme makers from across the UK together
so regions could share best practice.
He hoped to maintain the momentum created by the Voices series
through a partnership with the Arts Council.
Where I Live Progress Report
John Allen updated members on the progress of the sites and developments
such as Video Nation and English Regions travel news for 大象传媒i. There
had been a 144% growth in users in the past year, and the March
2004 target of 5 million monthly users had already been met.
English Regions was the biggest producer of News Online, accounting
for one third of output.
The 大象传媒 was the biggest content provider in Europe. Most people
used portals such as Google but the 大象传媒's chief competitors were
local newspaper websites.
Performance Against Objectives & English Regions' Statement
of Programme Policy
Louise Hall presented her paper 'The Objectives Cycle' which gave
advisory councils clear guidance on how to review output against
editorial objectives.
It proposed that in their reviews and assessments, councils should
consider whether output matched up to the 'Seven As' - Area, Authority,
Accessibility, Agenda, Availability, Audiences and Awareness.
Members accepted the recommendations and complimented Louise Hall
on her work. It was agreed that the Regional Editorial Objectives
and the paper on the Objectives Cycle would be presented at the
December RAC meetings, and reviewed annually.
ENF Seminar 2003
Key issues arising from the seminar had been analysed and specific
action points agreed in a letter which would go from the Controller
English Regions to all advisory council members.
A number of initiatives to raise the profile of advisory councils
were discussed including photo boards, advisory council phone-ins,
offering feedback to network programme makers and advertising council
vacancies on-air.
In a new initiative, Controller Comment, Controller English Regions
would invite key questions at the end of advisory council meetings
to which he would respond in time for the next meeting.
Charter Review
David Levy outlined the purpose of the Royal Charter and the broad
terms of the Agreement.
He described how the current Charter would run out on 31 December
2006, and the process for putting in place a new Charter and Agreement.
He went on to describe the context in which the 大象传媒 was operating
and how the world and the broadcast environment were changing, the
大象传媒's purposes, and the timetable and process for Charter Renewal.
Any Other Business
ENF 2004 meeting dates were agreed.