Audio & Video
Wizards of Once reading
Cressida reads an extract from Wizards of Once - a search for a strange piece of cutlery!
- Wizards of Once reading
- Introducing Cookie
- Konnie Reads From Cookie and the Most Annoying Boy in the World
- Cookie’s Brain Busting Quiz
- Konnie’s Love of Science
- Illustrating the Book
- Pets
- Inspiration
- Hooked on Reading
- Becoming an Author
- Konnie’s Favourite Character
- More Cookie Books
- A novel in verse
- Characters and Themes
- Myths and Monsters
- Noi and his family
- There’s Nothing Cuter Than A Puppy
- Reading from Grimwood: Attack of the Stink Monster
- Meeting the Wolf Queen
- D is for Dialogue
- How did you learn to draw?