"Angel Heart" is a mesmerising thriller that's now available on an equally fascinating DVD. Released as the first of Momentum Pictures "Director's Chair" series, this is a tremendous first disc in what promises to be an essential collection to own.
The obvious and first concern is the quality of the film transfer to disc. The news is good, and it's hard to remember "Angel Heart" ever looking as fresh as it does on DVD. Alan Parker "endeavoured to shoot a black and white film in colour", which meant that all the primary colours were removed from the sets and costumes. The effect on disc is electric with muted tones lending real menace to both the Bronx and New Orleans locations.
The 2.0 sound mix is very good. Ideally a 5.1 remastering would have separated the ominous score and Foley effects better. But there's still a forbidding atmosphere that envelops you into the nightmare descent of Harry Angel.
Many of the extra features are made up from whatever snatches of interviews or behind the scenes footage were available. Most of these are quite short but contain pertinent comments from Parker, Mickey Rourke, and others. No deleted scenes are included and this reflects the working practices of director Alan Parker, who explains all and more in a fascinating limited edition book that accompanies the disc.
He also offers up his thoughts in a feature length commentary. He does trail off now and again because he finds himself becoming "an audience of the film". It is after all 12 years since he made it, but he is still well worth listening to.
Chapters: 20
Ratio: 1.85:1
Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0
Extra Features: Scene selection, limited edition 64-page book, commentary by director Alan Parker, interview with Alan Parker, three 'making of' featurettes, star profiles including interviews, behind the scenes footage, photo gallery, trailer, animated menus, multiple languages, subtitles.