"The Killing Fields" was one of the few impressive films to come out of Britain in the 1980s. It contains some quietly powerful moments, some of which get to shine on a DVD that is at times variable in quality.
Compared to previous VHS outings, this DVD is an improvement. At worst it suffers from an occasionally grubby-looking print that loses detail in darker scenes. These contrast though with the brighter daytime shots, like in the paddy fields that look fresh and clear.
The 2.0 stereo sound mix is clear if a little weak. But this is not a big problem given that some of the best scenes are conducted in near silence, for example those while in and escaping from the camp.
As well as the trailer you also get a 'History Timeline' feature on the disc. This lists seven critical points in Cambodian history between 1964 and 1978, around which the film is based. It's a useful addition to a disc that's worth seeing despite its shortcomings.
Chapters: 18
Ratio: 1.33:1 (fullscreen)
Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0
Extra Features: Scene selection, trailer, 'History Timeline', Roland Joffe filmography, subtitles.