Have you ever played the game?
I haven't. But I've heard a lot about it. When I first told my friends they went "Oh my God, they're doing a movie of it. Finally!" It seemed to me to be quite an obscure type of game. All my friends said "Usually, only the really weird kids play that game." I had never even heard of it.
What made you choose the role?
I admired how intense the director's passion was. He had already been trying to make it for some insane amount of time. His dedication was still strong. You can see him light up when he talks about it. He becomes very animated.
How do you see your character?
Mostly when you see the Empress, she's in her chapel and always alone. She has this lone battle in protecting her empire, which everyone seems to think she's not capable of controlling and probably shouldn't have. She's very frazzled - her father's just died, but in a short amount of time, she tightens up and gains control of herself. You realise she's a very strong able person. She's very in tune with the people, though in her heart she's not very regal.
What stunts have you had to perform?
I get to flip over a dragon that's coming towards me. Certain characters can use only certain weapons - as Empress, I have my sceptre which controls the dragons, so I don't have to deal with swords and knives. That's too gross and gnarly for an Empress.