Reviewer's Rating 3 out of 5 听 User Rating 4 out of 5
Better Than Sex (2001)

A boy, a girl, a bed. We all know what happens next, and it's the same whatever part of the world you live in. "Better Than Sex" may be set in Sydney and star a pair of unknown Australian actors, but the issues it raises are universal.

Josh (David Wenham) and Cin (Susie Porter) meet at a party. She's a dressmaker; he's a photographer for the National Geographic. In no time at all they're in a cab heading back to her place. As far as he's concerned it's an uncomplicated one-night stand. Or is it?

What begins as a casual pick-up becomes an intense three days of love-making and soul-searching, with passion gradually replaced by a more lasting affection. The problem is that Josh is about to return to London. How can their fledgling relationship survive?

One of the harsh realities of the Australian movie industry is that, having nurtured the likes of Russell Crowe, Toni Collette, and Cate Blanchett, it promptly loses them to Hollywood. Part of the reason lies in the size of the industry, which - while capable of producing perfectly watchable small-scale films like this one - can't compete with America in terms of budget and distribution.

But another, equally significant failing is the lack of ambition in its homegrown product. Though well acted and intuitively written by first-time director Jonathan Teplitzky, "Better Than Sex" is basically an Antipodean reprise of "When Harry Met Sally" that sets its sights too low to be anything more than a pleasant diversion.

End Credits

Director: Jonathan Teplitzky

Writer: Jonathan Teplitzky

Stars: David Wenham, Susie Porter, Catherine McClements, Kris McQuade, Simon Bossell, Imelda Corcoran

Genre: Romance

Length: 95 minutes

Cinema: 6 April 2001

Country: Australia

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