"The Royal Tenenbaums" is a fabulous film... it won't be to everyone's taste because, like Wes Anderson's previous movies, it's as much about style as it is content. If you were to distil the plot to its essence you'd have a very thin, slight movie, but it's the acting, the design, the imaginative camerawork, the length of the takes, the use of music and the kind of weird world view he imposes on his subject matter that makes Wes Anderson's movies so memorably unique.
It's got a very funny and unusual script full of wonderful characters, courtesy of Anderson and Owen Wilson, and terrific performances all round from a brilliant cast. Gene Hackman is fantastic as Royal, Gwyneth Paltrow is great, Ben Stiller's very funny, both Owen and Luke Wilson shine, in fact I can't fault any of the cast.
It's the kind of movie that even a month after you've seen it will have you grinning warmly, and I can't think of a higher praise for a film of this sort. People who don't like its variety of 'high whimsy' and strange, outsider comedy will possibly react violently against it, but then they would, wouldn't they?
I loved Anderson's first film "Bottle Rocket", I loved "Rushmore", and those of you who've noticed a pattern forming won't be surprised at the news that I loved "The Royal Tenenbaums" and would happily sit through it any number of times. It's just a very funny, distinctive piece of work from a genuinely original cinematic voice.