Roger Avary's movie adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis' novel on the intertwining lives of college kids is, according to our reviewer, "bold, sexy, daring, clever, funny, ruthless, and sad." It's a shame the same can't be said for the extra features on the DVD, which are pedestrian in comparison.
You know you're in trouble when the most interesting contributor to two commentary tracks happens to be the production designer. Sharon Seymour has the most constructive points to offer amidst all the admittedly good-natured but inconsequential comments from the cast, which just start to grate after a while.

The other special feature of note is Anatomy of a Scene. Produced by the Sundance TV Channel, this is another of their criminally earnest dissections of a scene that often leaves the moment smouldering in boring tatters. The split screen scene that's covered is worth looking at from a technical standpoint, but the examination of what the characters are going through, combined with endless repeats of the same scene, only reveal the shallow nature of the drama.
Indeed while this programme was most likely planned to showcase quality filmmaking, it's laid bare a scene where technical considerations have far outweighed dramatic direction. Best avoid it and watch the film as a whole, which is well presented on this DVD.
This DVD was reviewed on a JVC XV-N5 DVD player.