Reviewer's Rating 1 out of 5 听 User Rating 1 out of 5
Waiting (2006)
15Contains strong language and sex references

The ill wind of teen gross-out comedies has once again polluted these shores. Waiting is a film so bad and so unfunny, it makes American Pie's Stifler look subtle and begs the question, when is Anna Faris going to fire her agent? Framed around a day in the life of Shenannigan'z Bar & Grill, the story tells of its dead-end waiters and criminally unhygienic kitchen staff, who believe that salvation lies in the Penis Game. And yes, we did say the Penis Game.

Monty (Ryan Reynolds) is our tour guide through this particular vision of hell, as newbie Mitch (John Francis Daley) begins his first shift in the establishment. Above all, he must learn the rules of the game: male employees dupe their colleagues into viewing their genitalia, which has been manipulated into a variety of sanctioned positions like The Goat, before kicking their victim in the ass and calling them "fags".


A fatuous plotline involves wet-behind-the-ears Dean (DodgeBall's Justin Long), who realises just how much of a loser he is when confronted with an old classmate who is now a successful college graduate. Other one-dimensional staff members include a blonde slut (Faris), a dominatrix, a sleazy manager, two pothead clowns and a loser who's so uptight he can't piss properly. Mix in some regurgitated gags about underage sex, homophobia and food which has been ceremoniously soiled with excrement and pubic hair, and you have a real dog's dinner of a film. Watching it could be seriously bad for your health.

End Credits

Director: Rob McKittrick

Writer: Rob McKittrick

Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Anna Faris, Justin Long, David Koechner

Genre: Comedy

Length: 93 minutes

Cinema: 19 May 2006

Country: USA

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