If starlet Lindsay Lohan thought she was invincible, the cool response she got for Just My Luck was a much needed reality check. Donald Petrie is the director behind this "meandering" tale of fortune’s favourite girl who falls on hard times and straight into the arms of a hunky music promoter (Chris Pine). It floundered at the box office despite Lohan's increasing popularity in the gossip rags.
Bad Luck
Petrie reveals that the paparazzi were ever present during the shoot in the Casting Sessions featurette. He was convinced that she was someone the public found "accessible" and the success of his film depended on it. Casting director Michael Hothorn explains, "If the audience don’t relate to her in some way from the early stages of the movie, then you’re dead in the water." Of course these interviews were shot before the film was released, so draw your own conclusions.

In footage cobbled together from a press junket, Lohan talks briefly (very briefly) about the appeal of the script i.e. she got to wear fancy designer clothes and try her hand at physical comedy - "I tried to go as Lucille Ball as I could," she says. Meanwhile in a separate montage of soundbites, Chris Pine makes a few throwaway comments taking inspiration from Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. Costume designer Gary Jones contributes his two-pennys-worth (regarding Lohan’s wardrobe) in the two-minute featurette Look Of Luck. Apparently, "the colours become stronger" as the film progresses to reflect the growth of the character.
Seeking Fortune
Just like the film, the extras devote a lot of time to promoting McFly. A two-part behind-the-scenes look at their stint on the film is obviously geared towards American teenyboppers who mightn’t be familiar with their bubblegum brand of rock music. At first they express dismay when they realise they're not on the set of Star Wars and then get up to a lot of PR-guided mischief between shooting their scenes. Part two sees them on stage in London to shoot the climax of the film and some live concert footage is also thrown in for good measure.
A little more padding comes in the form of three deleted/extended scenes featuring Ashley (Lohan) in ‘bad luck’ scenarios. Perhaps the most dramatic scene finds her stuck in a Sushi restaurant unable to pay the bill - unfortunately your sympathies will probably lie with the fish. In short, we recommend you let Luck pass you by.