Arrowroot recipes
Arrowroot is used for thickening sauces, juices and syrups; when heated the starch turns to jelly and so thickens the liquid. Its great advantage over cornflour is that it’s completely tasteless (whereas cornflour can need cooking to get rid of its ‘raw’ taste) and it gives a clear finish when used to thicken certain soups, fruit syrups or sauces. Arrowroot biscuits are also a classic.
by Hemsley + Hemsley
These dairy-free, flourless cookies are perfect for vegans and those following a gluten-free diet.
Each cookie provides 108 kcal, 3g protein, 5g carbohydrate (of which 3g sugars), 8.5g fat (of which 0.7g saturates), 0.5g fibre and 0.2g salt.