Curly kale recipes
Kale is so good for you, we should be eating one of these delicious kale recipes every day. Making your own kale crisps is a great way to get through bagfuls of the stuff, but it also cooks well into curries and stews.
Snack healthy with this spiced, crispy kale. It can be stored in an airtight container for up to three days.
Each serving provides 56 kcal, 2.5g protein, 1.5g carbohydrates (of which 1.5g sugars), 4g fat (of which 0.5g saturates), 3g fibre and 0.5g salt.
More curly kale recipes
Buyer's guide
Curly kale leaves should look fresh and crisp, with no sign of yellowing. Reject any with leaves that look bruised or slimy. Curly kale is available from September to March. Other varieties of kale include Red Russian kale, cavolo nero (or ‘black kale’), and thousand-head or hungry-gap kale.
Curly kales deteriorate more quickly than green cabbages, and will keep for only a few days before turning yellow. Store, loosely wrapped in plastic, in the fridge or larder.
Cut away the tough central ribs of curly kale before you chop or shred the leaves. For best results, either cook very briefly in a large volume of ready-boiling water or stir-fry as a side dish. Add a small amount to soups, pasta sauces, bean dishes and colcannon.