

Countryfile is in Hertfordshire, where Matt Baker meets a farming family who are turning oilseed rape into liquid gold - oil. Matt visits local celebrity chef Jean-Christophe Novelli, who has recognised the product for its health benefits and great taste. Matt helps him whip up a feast.

Ellie Harrison is at Heartwood Forest to see how this new woodland is coming on. She discovers how, after only six years, the woodland is bursting with wildlife. She also visits one of Hertfordshire's seventy golf clubs, discovering how the club is working with the local wildlife trust to encourage heathland to return to the area.

Tom Heap finds out about the claimed cost of cuts to rural transport and asks whether we can continue to support bus services in some of the most isolated parts of the countryside.

We also find out what the great British countryside means to chef Tony Singh as he returns to Loch Awe in the Western Isles of Scotland.

And Adam Henson revisits Joan Bomford, winner of last year's Countryfile Farming Hero award at the Food and Farming Awards, and calls out for this year's nominations.