

Countryfile has been given privileged access to an excavation at the Stonehenge World Heritage site. Joe Crowley meets the team who have discovered strange oblong items buried in the soil at Durrington Walls, not far from the famous stones of Stonehenge. The team used the latest ground-penetrating radar techniques to reveal the hitherto unknown features. But what are they? Joe finds out. He also meets archaeologist Julian Richards, a world authority on the stones and an obsessive collector of Stonehenge memorabilia. Joe then meets Hugh Morrison, a tenant farmer at Stonehenge, to see just what sort of problem he faces farming on a World Heritage Site.

Anita finds out how Neolithic farmers lived by visiting reconstructions of the types of houses they lived in, and she learns to bake bread the Neolithic way - on an open fire in the centre of a Neolithic dwelling. She also meets the modern-day farmer who has built a Stone Age long barrow on his land where people can inter the ashes of their loved ones, just as Neolithic man would have.

Also in this programme, John is joined by fellow judges Deborah Meaden and Simon King to select the final 12 pictures in the Countryfile Photographic Competition, and in a nod to the competition's theme, we spend a day with Adam seeing what happens on his farm 'From Dawn till Dusk'.