
28 mins

Mary Berry's Simple Comforts

Series 1: 5. Yorkshire Coast

Mary heads to the dramatic Yorkshire coastline to celebrate a unique bonfire party, explore the ancient seaport of Whitby and sample some classic, coastal comfort food - fish and chips and ice cream. Mary visits a small smokehouse that has been run by the same family for five generations, where she helps to smoke herring to make their world-renowned kippers.

To end her time in Yorkshire, Mary helps a local community with their unique bonfire for Guy Fawkes Night. Inspired by all she sees, Mary makes a rustic smoked trout pate, followed by a one-pot haddock and shrimp feast.

She also makes some of her favourite warming bonfire food – smoky firecracker drumsticks, posh jacket potatoes and her glorious granny’s sticky ginger cake as the sky comes alive during an epic seaside firework display.

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