Plant list: Plants for bog gardens

Bog garden plants like to have their feet moist all the time and will not do well if the soil dries out. Many have large leaves, making for an attractive foliage display when planted together.
Latin name: | | Carex elata 'Aurea' |
Common name: | | Bowles' golden sedge |
Type of plant: | | Sedge |
Hardiness: | | Sedge |
Flower colour: | | Brown-black |
Leaf colour: | | Golden yellow |
Height and spread: | | 70cm x 50cm (2.3ft x 1.6ft) |
Description: | |  This tufty perennial has narrow, upright leaves. In summer, flower spikes appear on solid triangular stems. It makes a great foliage plant.
Latin name: | | Matteuccia struthiopteris |
Common name: | | Ostrich fern |
Type of plant: | | Fern |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | N/A |
Leaf colour: | | Yellow-green |
Height and spread: | | 1.5m x 90cm (4.9ft x 3ft) |
Description: | |  Also known as the shuttlecock fern because of its distinctive shape. Good for shade or the edge of ponds.
Latin name: | | Primula florindae |
Common name: | | Primula |
Type of plant: | | Perennial |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | Yellow |
Leaf colour: | | Bright green |
Height and spread: | | 1m x 60cm (3.3ft x 2ft) |
Description: | |  The giant among primulas, this is a bold, clump-forming perennial that produces tall stems crowned with a spectacular ring of numerous flowers in late summer.
Latin name: | | Ligularia |
Common name: | | Ligularia |
Type of plant: | | Perennial |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | Orange to orange-yellow |
Leaf colour: | | Green |
Height and spread: | | 1.2m to 2m x 60cm (3.9ft to 6.6ft x 2ft) |
Description: | |  Grown for their large, ornamental leaves above which rise tall spikes of small daisy-like flowers. They will grow in sun or partial shade. Protect from slugs and snails.
Latin name: | | Trollius |
Common name: | | Globe flower |
Type of plant: | | Perennial |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | Yellow to orange |
Leaf colour: | | Mid-green |
Height and spread: | | 30cm to 60cm x 45cm (1ft to 2ft x 1.5ft) |
Description: | |  Will grow well in both sun and shade, but needs moist soil to do really well. Most species have attractively shaped leaves and globe-shaped flowers.