When you need to think carefully about the value of a complex thing. The thing might be a design, topic, event, research finding or idea.
List the positives, the negatives and the areas of potential. Then cluster and discuss. Avoid suggesting solutions.
- Select and agree the specific topic/thing for consideration.
- Write a short description or find a suitable image of the thing.
- Put it on the wall, space or virtual whiteboard and make sure everyone's happy with it.
- Assign colour-coded real/virtual post-it notes:
- Rose = Pink (Positive aspects of this thing)
- Thorn = Blue (Negative aspects of this thing)
- Bud = Green (Potential in this thing)
- Get people to write as many post-its as they can within the time limit.
- Cluster post-its and discuss.
Please note
This method was not concepted at the 大象传媒. If you know the creator please contact the GEL team