Thistle and the Rose - British Union
The Warring
were brought to a head when William died in 1702 and was succeeded
by Queen Anne, who was from the Scottish House of Stuart, and who
famously described the Scots as an unreasonable and strange
people. The year before, the English Parliament had unilaterally
passed the Act of Settlement, stating that, if Anne died
childless, the crown would pass to the Protestant Elector of Hanover
rather than back to the exiled Catholic Jacobite claimant, James
Stuart (the putative James VIII).
In 1703 the
first Scottish Parliament of Queen Annes reign was faced with
the dilemma that they would either have to accept the Hanoverian
succession, which would pull them into further disruptive Continental
warfare and abandon their ancient line of Stuart Kings, or restore
the Stuarts to Scotland, thus breaking the Union of the Crowns of
1603 and ushering in the inevitable warfare that could result in
the conquest of Scotland.
The Scottish Parliament immediately responded with the Act of
Security, which asserted Scotlands sovereign rights to
make their own decision on the future of the monarchy. They followed
this up with the Act Anent Peace and War to prevent Scotland
being dragged into foreign wars by Annes successor. The English
Parliaments riposte was the Alien Act, which threatened
to ban the Scots from all English trade. Relations between the two
Parliaments were at their lowest ebb. To the English Government
it was unthinkable that the Scots could go their own way, they had
to close the Scottish back door to the Jacobites and their French
allies. The English Government recognised it would have to deal
with the Scots.
The Making
of the Union
From the English perspective only an incorporating union with Scotland
would do, where there was one king and one parliament, and where
the Scots accepted the Hanoverian succession, as this alone would
guarantee Englands future security. The Scots favoured a federal
union, where the Scottish Parliament was retained. Their hopes were
dashed, however, especially after the Duke of Hamilton, the leader
of the Scots opposition, had remarkably agreed to allow Queen Anne
to select the Scottish commissioners who would negotiate the Union.
return for accepting the loss of their sovereign parliament and
adopting the Hanoverian dynasty the Scots were offered short term
commercial advantages for landowners, and free trade with England
and her colonial empire. Scotlands distinctive national identity
was guaranteed, and her own laws, education system and Presbyterian
Kirk assured.
English troop-manoeuvres
were conducted, raising the prospect of invasion and reinforcing
English superiority in the Union. Furthermore, the wheels of politics
were oiled with English money, secretly distributed to key sections
of the nobility in the Scottish Parliament. The Scots who had invested
in the Darien venture were to be reimbursed out of money the Scots
were given for taking on their share of Englands national
debt - this financial sweetener was known as The Equivalent.
In the end the realpolitik of the situation and the fractured nature
of the opposition was enough to secure a majority in the noble-dominated
Scottish Parliament. Outside the Parliament the venture was hugely
Petitions from
Scottish burghs against the Union failed, the mob rioted in Glasgow,
Edinburgh and Dumfries, but again to no avail. Contemporaries estimated
that 9 out of 10 Scots opposed Union but without aristocratic leadership
their was no hope of a spontaneous rising. The Chancellor of Scotland,
the Earl of Seafield, signed away Scotlands sovereign independence
saying, Theres ane end of ane auld sang. On the
1st of May, 1707 the Union came into effect and the bells of St
Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh rang out to the tune Why am I
so sad on this my wedding day?
For the English
Government it was a diplomatic triumph. For the Scots it created
as many problems as it solved. Jacobitism was kick-started and the
economic impact of free trade with England was disastrous for over
30 years. Nobody expected the short-term political fix of 1707 to
endure, but in one of the ironies of history it became the foundation
of the Great British Empire.

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