Trail goes cold

' proved impossible to track the couple down'
In the time left to Michelle, it proved impossible to track the couple down, and she was forced to admit a temporary defeat. Here the trail ran cold. However, Michelle was determined to return to Durham at a later date to continue her research. You can find out how she got on by reading 'The Census and How to Use It' (see right).
About the author
Dr Nick Barratt worked at the Public Record Office (now The National Archives, or TNA) from 1996 to 2000, with the family history team. He has given many talks on family history, and has written frequently for the TNA's genealogy journal, Ancestors. He has worked for the 大象传媒 as a specialist researcher on programmes such as 'One Foot in the Past','The People Detective' and 'Who Do You Think you Are?'.
Published: 2004-09-13