And Regents Park housed a lot of airmen who also held dances, mainly on Primrose Hill. If a German plane...
I was born in 1938, and when the war started, my father joined the Special Police-force, up in Liverpool.My...
These buckets of sand were the only means they had of extinguishing incendiary bombs which landed on top of...
I joined the Auxiliary Fire Service, part-time, in 1938 aged 20, at Station 22, Burdett Road, Bow,in East...
I lived in the suburbs south of Manchester with Mum, Dad and my younger sister Peggy. Dad was a land...
My grandmother was a marvellous person, who had no intention of letting the Germans intimidate her, she...
After we had pulled ourselves together we crawled through the tunnel into next door's cellar, and...
The Black Prince was the fourth in Naval History of that name, a modified dido class cruiser of 6010 tons...
I entered nurse training at The Royal Infirmary, Manchester in November 1940... The Station air-raid...
We were at a wedding once in Erith when one stopped right over the church, well it seemed so, the vicar...
Oxford Circus Station was closed due to the raids so we walked down through Trafalgar Square to Charing...
My father was in the A.R.P. at Avonmouth, about twelve miles away. Mother refused to go down into the...
By now we could hear the bells as the fire engines came nearer, together with the shriller bells of...
Her entries as a teenager during the war years seem to show how normal life went on around the horror of...
His brothers served in the Army and RAF and had various intersting stories, but this story concerns the...
I then joined the RAF as aircrew and did my ITW at Aberswyth, Grading School at Coventry flying Tiger...
So George made a protected area in the house in the front room by pulling the piano into the middle of the...
The crowning incident was an incendiary going into the garage and through the seat of an Austin 7 singeing...
Around midnight we suddenly heard shrill whistles and voices telling us to quickly vacate the house as an...
I was born in East Ham in April 1940 at the home of my grandmother, and although my parents at that time...
That night, my young sister, who was 10½ years old, myself (12), and my two cousins, Nancy and Bobby...