He went to find his elder sister and younger brother and found them walking towards Canning Town where...
We heard the guns start up, and then there was a glare outside the window - something burning down Baker...
As I was born at the end of the war I was fortunate enough not to have been involved in the bombing...
After leaving carr vale school at 14yrs old iwent to work at the local vrickworks for afew months, then...
My mother had been a nurse during World War I and took up her nursing again, while my father, who had been...
Clifton airfield H.Q. blown away and young men killed, their loss to mourn Their parents saddened by the...
I also remember the doodlebugs and watched in my garden as one stopped overhead and glided into the local...
Harold Pollard, my other brother, was in Dunkirk, a really handsome lad. Before Martins Bank, we were...
It had become a routine, same time every night Sirens wailing We grab our things, clamber into the shelter...
At that time I was living in Estcourt Street with my parents and twin brother Gordon, my sister's Amy...
We lived just off the Grosvenor Road near the centre of Belfast, and when we heard the sirens we left the...
Both sets of grandparents lived through the war - my father's Dad was in the army, my dad's Mam...
In September 1939 we were evacuated to Wardle. My Mother insisted on going with us, and as three children...
He was sheltering in shop doorways and bus shelters.When he reached East Ham High Street he was informed by...
There was this funny burned smell everywhere and in one of the houses, clearly visible, was a charred and...
Dad was employed by Firth Brown down the east end of Sheffield in Attercliffe, as an overhead crane driver...
Biscuits, even broken biscuits, were a luxury in wartime... The owner was so grateful he gave us a bag of...
We were coming home from school,the time about3.30 When the air raid sirens started.We were living in...
We lived near to the coast in South Shields, and bombs fell all around us: we were told that this was...
Most of the 14 to 17 year olds and older people were doing fire duty on the roofs putting out incendary...
It was during the period when the Germans were sending over V1 rockets targetted for London... At the same...
We had travelled a very arduous journey from Farnborough, Kent, via a stormy crossing of the Irish Channel...