We then collected blankets, food, drink and a Davy miners lamp to go into an Anderson shelter at the bottom...
It was the Battle of Britain and very bad over Faversham, so we didn't do a lot of schooling. At the...
My Mum made dinner, one Auntie looked after the children and the other Auntie sewed. Another Auntie was in...
She told Mum that her son Ernest was very unhappy in his evacuee home on Rosemary Street. My Mum made...
But, instead of sending us home to England to the Blitz, we were all shipped off to Durban in South Africa,...
It was at Altrincham Grammar School; the Grammar School children did mornings and we did afternoons, this...
Everything was rationed; food, clothing and we had ration books with slips of paper for butter, cheese,...
Rothesay as a Military Base Rothesay was a submarine base and had HMS Cyclops supply vessel moored in the...
I was told to get out of bed and stood by the door in the dark, feeling a bit scared for a...
At the time of the Cavendish Road daylight raid on 21st August 1940 my friend Geoff Ireland and myself had...
My Uncle slept in the attic and when he went up there he found a big hole in the roof and lying...
I was 15 years old in 1942 and had been residing at 'Holme Denel, New Thorpe, Robin Hood's Bay...
We had for a week, 2oz bacon, 2oz butter, half an ounce of sugar, one fresh egg each or egg powder which...
For quite a few nights the air raid siren sounded and my mother would whisk my sister and I up in our...
However, before our turn came around, disturbing news of ships carrying evacuees to America and Canada had...
When I was't even a twinkle in my father's eye, my two brothers, Edward and Roy, were evacuated to...
My Nana and Grandad didn't help to build an Anderson shelter but my Nana thought that being inside it...
The Germans announced their arrival by bombing the tomato lorries waiting at the docks with their Guernsey...
Yes, one day I would want to be a fighter pilot shooting down enemy bombers, another day i would have liked...
My dad told us to sit down on the stairs, he then pulled the living room door and the front room door...
Hull was bombed a lot and all hell would break out with the machine guns and anti-aircraft guns going all...
In 1942 I was evacuated from school to an island in the Baltic Sea, off the northern coast of Germany... It...