The story was typed and entered on to the site by a CSV volunteer with kind permission of Conny Dean....
At Christmas we had one stocking, a nut and orange and apple. My husband's cousin came from Wales was...
It was a sunny day in September 1940 and we were in West Place the row of old-world cottages on Wimbledon...
He used to cycle fifteen miles in all weathers from Ashford to Slough to work, because of the petrol...
I eventually found the bus station and boarded the Cardiff bus, I sat in the front and told the conductor...
Mum and I lived in London. In 1940 we moved back to Lincoln, near Hartsholm Hall, near to his barracks....
There were factories all around, like Johnson and Phillips cable makers, Siemens and, not far away,...
From Walkley, after being bombed, we went to live in Rock Street, Pitsmoor. I went to Pye Bank School by...
Mansfield Woodhouse was a village on the Nottinghamshire coalfield and the father of the family she lived...
I remember looking up into a blue sky that afternoon and thinking that the bombers appeared as silver fish...
I can remember my mum Freda, who accompanied me on the one mile walk to Colton Church of England village...
Air sirens often used to go at night — you could see the glow in sky after London had been bombed....
Various things happened while we were at Edgeware road, just around the corner was a big wood yard called...
At the time of D-Day I was 16 years old, and I was working as an apprentice boat builder at Old Portsmouth,...
BIRMINGHAM SIGHTS I lived on a hill outside Birmingham and as we went into the shelter during a raid, I...
My sister and myself Terrence Withey were both due to be evacuated from Bristol... I was met at the door by...
We all had our little gas masks and a carrier bag containing goodies and a chocolate bar, my school friend...
I stayed in Devon until the autumn and did six weeks Barnstaple Grammar School in the sixth form, doing a...
But luckily my grandma didnt lose anyone in her family. her dad, who was a postman, was called up for the...
My dad was colour blind so he became an A.F.S During blackout my mum and Dad were constantly worrying about...
Although in the village of Haveringland the airfield was known as Swanington, partly to deceive the...
She fell for it, and soon another man joined in; before long others heard about it, and Mum and Nan between...