London children were originally dispersed to places like the South Coast, some coming to Eastbourne where I...
I was very proud of mine as my Dad got me a Mickey Mouse one, which was pink with a floppy pink...
At that time my father was secretary of the Taunton and District Homing Society, and our pigeons were on...
I remember one night I could hear a whistling sound - I was in the kitchen stood on a stool playing with...
Now with the natural resilience of a child, and having been given a brown paper carrier bag containing...
As a very young child, in a village near Chelmsford, my recollections of the war is imperfect, but vivid......
This Canadian convoy - their battledress was a smooth greenish shade, expensive looking, and well fitted,...
The German bombers taregeted the Hawker Factory which built the Hawker Hurricanes and C.B. Gormans's...
I can remember Mr Jones's shouting to Mrs Jones: ‘ Come on Elsie — Hurry up... To which Mr...
He smiled and asked me what my Mum called my Dad,so I told him "Wollocks". "Mum calls him...
I slept behind the piano and Jean behind the bookcase....
The second thing was that because of the threat of bombing that was the day our family were evacuated from...
Within seconds a bomb fell in the garden next to us and the window blew in with debryu falling on the bed...
I so remember the night when Kembrey Street was bombed — running down the garden with Mum and Dad and...
I lived in Leek, a small market town in North Staffordshire. Later in the war Leek had an air-raid, by...
The last straw We were evacuated to Wales first, me, my older sister, my mum and my aunt. The best...
I was 12 year's old and remember the speech by Neville Chamberlain Mum and Dad were upset they kept the...
On hearing the whistle of the bombs descending and an explosion of what must have been the first of the...
A house on the other side of the road going towards Epsom Common, at the bottom of West Hill, was...
When the bomb dropped on the school opposite, the soot came down the chimney and smothered the room in...
The trouble was, with Adolf Hitler, his troops had moved into Czechoslovakia and were advancing towards...
Her Mum had not visited at all during this evacuation but her eldest sister had... As they made their way...