They can be cleaned by the simple method of washing, whereas kid and nappa gloves must be sent away must be...
Mother and I visited a friend whose bungalow was badly damaged by a bomb, all doors & windows had gone,...
In one corner were two bunks built for myself and the girld next door together with a curtain for privacy...
I lived in Fazakerley, Hawksmoor Rd and later on, Longmoor lane on the corner of Dereham Cresent. Aunty...
The next morning found me, with my friend Jill, in the wide main corridor which was lined with tressle...
At Christmas 1943 I had been given a size 5 leather football, which due to War shortages was like gold dust...
Search lights were constantly monitoring the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and my grandmother remembers a midget...
My parents had a pig and poultry farm and were kept busy producing food and so I spent parts of my summer...
At the bottom of our garden a narrow lane separated the railway from Folkestone Harbour to the main line....
On Easter Sunday 1941 we went to visit my aunts in Waringstown as we always did at Easter. On Monday the...
My Memories of the War in India and My Uncle's Fortune in Scotland by Mr S E Ali. My Uncle's...
I well remember being evacuated with my two brothers to a village about 20 miles away carrying our tins of...
My most vivid recollection during this time was when the big German bomb fell in Ditch Wood, which is...
Then my wickedness in hoping for an Air Raid Siren revisited me.... the Doodle Bugs started and Saturday...
Bill smith....
There was a small crack in my window pane and when the bomb fell, although I did not hear the explosion,...
Before we were evacuated from Lee, in South-east London, we had to take sandwiches to School every day, in...
At the Corn Exchange in the town, Doreen and her brother were the last two children to be chosen. Doreen...
When we had the Bradford bombing, we had a bomb four doors away and our windows were blown out. I was...
We were evacuated to Kings Lynn in Norfolk, and for the first four weeks we were billeted with a very...
The bus was full of children, who had been evacuated from Salford, and the headmistress of St Nicholas...
Lutterworth I remember that there were many troops going through the town. There was also the cinema in...