Not only did the staff have to cope with the patients but they also had many problems from constant air...
Dad, in the Specials, had to leave us and go home early, and Ken went with him as his schooling was...
The sky was very bright one night, following a big incendiary raid, reflecting the fires from the...
The pavement underneath the lamp was used for 'Itchy Dabber' - you would slide a heavy stone or an...
After drinking their tea all the helpers then got back on to the 鈥榖us and off they went on their way...
Mam, Dad and I stayed at grandma's for tea one winter's evening. Alice, Harry and Ann had the...
My mother's sister had already gone down to Hatch Beauchamp with her children several weeks before, and...
I can't be sure whether uncle Jack, one of dad's brothers, was in the army or the Home Guard. Colin...
All night long the dogfights overhead, the whistling of sticks of bombs hurtling down, the ear-wrenching...
German bombing of Britain did not begin in earnest until August 1940, nearly a year after the war started,...
These were just a few which were forever assailing our ears,especially in the newsreels at the pictures and...
Most of the shrapnel was steel fragments from anti-aircraft shells but there were all sorts of bits of...
One of the German planes landed in the back garden between Ann Street and Robert Street, in lower Woolwich,...
When I was still evacuated I hardly went to school but we had separate schools from the local children,...
Back at Reedham after Christmas, night raids were in progress and many incendiary bombs were dropped in the...
The next day, our evacuee returned to London with her baby, and Yvonne and me became kinds of evacuees...
It was very moving with the singing of German Carols, particularly Stille Nacht, but one of the boys stole...
We took him to be a Naval Officer but he turned out to be a bus driver named Alf Poulton. Alf Poulton...
My Aunt Peggy had an air raid shelter in her garden at Thornhill, Dewsbury that was built privately by my...
Before I left home from my holiday, only a few days before I left my parents received a letter from the...
This same day my Sister, Granny, 4 year old brother, and I went along Drayton Road and at the spot where my...
During the school holidays, which we were not allowed to spend in London, I was staying with Joan and Duggy...