Dorothy's family ran the New Inns pub in Madeley, Shropshire and because they had plenty of space there...
One night following a loud bang and darkness, Dad rushed out to do his Air Raid warden duty, subsequently...
Having to go into the Anderston shelter in the garden after we heard the air raid siren or to the Morrison...
One Sunday during the middle years of the war a family of four ar five caught the train from Birmingham and...
My Father panicked a bit I think, because within the week our furniture was store, most of our toys...
WWII (2) My Auntie Marie, 5ft 4ins, and my Cousin Ivy, 4ft 11ins, were fire watchers together in Breamar...
I was only 5 when war broke out and, with my brothers Eric who was 7 and Gordon 11, we were evacuated...
Wooden bunks were provided for sleeping,and at the height of the German air raids, it was normal to go down...
I lived with my parents and my baby sister in Brockley, South London... However, my sister was so poorly...
On Friday 30th June 1944 a terrible disaster happened at Weald House a children's evacuation home at...
It was here, in a Sunday School class, before the theft, that I first came to meet John and Ernst, the...
If you don't know the area, Waddon is situated almost centre between Croydon town centre and what was...
It was unfortunate that the Germans actually dropped some bombs on Teignmouth that night and we all spent...
Then I was evacuated to Port Slade, near Brighton where I was the only child there. In London Mum used to...
These bombers started to bomb the houses on Bath Street and Welbeck Road when the gunners spotted the...
In 1939 my stepfather was forced to go into the Polish Army. In 1944 my stepfather was taken to the Russian...
When I got back to school, I was amazed to see a long line of people,all dusty and some with bandages going...
I was an evacuee in Devizes in Wiltshire in 1914....
Obviously after a family council it was decided that the womenfolk stay down in Bognor rather than go back...
My mother, brother John and I lived with my grandparents in Carshalton Surrey... The air raid warden...
She went to school in the South Kirk vestry to be taught Latin and French by Peter Watson, as Webster's...
The milk was in churns and we ladled it out at the door....