We were evacuated to Hassocks near Brighton. We all got evacuated to a place called Blechley near Milton...
However despite our family home being just yards from a munitions factory in Belfast, my mother, Ena...
For my part, I missed my two elder brothers, both having to eventually join the RAF just at the time when...
7yrs old and Rollerskating one day along The Esplanade with her younger brother in tow, she was horrified...
IT was getting dark when arrived in the town of THornbury Gloucestshire,we had travelled right across...
I was nearly 4 years old when ww2 broke out and living in Lydford Road in Paddington W9. one day during...
In 1940, eggs, butter, sugar, meat, tea, jam, biscuits, cheese and milk started to get rationed but she can...
After the V2 Doodlebugs started bombing London and our vicinity my father thought it was time to send me...
Once I moved there I could have got a job with Morris Motors but decided not to becuse money was tight at...
This came about because our next door neighbour in Dagenham, Mrs. Carnaby, was a Yorkshire woman and I went...
He would get the bees and wasps, pull their wings off their bodies on a pin and run after us with them......
We used to walk up there every night with our bedding and they used to have the entertainers there, every...
Later in life I checked with the history books of the period and, indeed, Swansea Docks had been very...
There was a lot of bombing during the war in Hull and his dad built a brick bomb shelter with bunk beds...
I stayed together with one of my friends at a house with a pig and got blamed for opening the stile door...
I tasted freedom! and remember thinking "if this is war, its not so bad". One day my mother, small...
Standing that evening at our gate with my friends we watched evacuees from a school in Shoreditch, London...
Coming towards us, high in the sky, we heard and saw the doodlebug heading our way....
We traveled from bristol to Truro by train, there was lots of other children being evacuated to cornwall......
My school was not evacuated but I was sent down to Gloucester to stay with my Aunt Katie, that is until my...
Bank Holiday is supposed to make you glad When I think of mine it always makes me sad On that Monday way...
Having got off the 118 bus at the "Horse & Groom" in Manor Road we proceeded to walk up...