However, because of their work at the docks, my granda, Paddy Murray, and uncles were often given apples,...
My father worked at Duxford as a civilian Batman and sometime during the war he looked after Douglas Bader....
Miss Swift used to visit the sick in the neighbourhood carrying a basket of posies which had been picked...
Betty vaguely remembers been taken by bus to a house were they to stay with Aunty Minn who also had her own...
But you could see lights in the sky from the fires in Liverpool and Manchester and Barrow when they were...
This particular morning was warm and sunny with a cloudless blue sky and I was enjoying playing with...
The entire village gathered for a tea party in a barn, decorated with streamers, followed by children's...
I was standing on the road outside Earls Colne Grammar School,waiting for the quarter to four school bus to...
I was evacuated in 1939 just before the war was declared we were sent to Eastbourne on the coast in East...
As it transpired, Bexleyheath was to become a point on the direct route of the Luftwaffe into London during...
Susan Ridley was a young child at the end of World War Two.In this article she tells us not only her...
I was not very pleased at having to walk over a mile into Whitley Bay, but I remember thinking that I may...
It was such a change from my life living in a tenement flat in London. I returned to London in Easter 1940....
My Name is Joyce Raper and in 1942 was a thirteen year old living in Sheriff Hill, a suburb of...
It wsa a cold, bleak morning,with a damp mist hanging over the river Medway shrouding the spire of the...
I went to stay with a lady called Mrs. Chambers, who was very formidable, at Moorgate Retford... Retford...
Interview with a World War Two Veteran. This is an interveiw with a World War Two veteran....
When we were eventually evacuated to Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk my sister made friends with a girl from...
We had with us Mrs Helen Hebbs whose husband was a business associate of my father's... When were were...
First we had the high explosive bombs, then the fire of London incendiary bombs... At night Lord Haw Haw...
He also had to carry his gas mask in a card board box on a string around his neck.His sister had a...
I found myself sitting next to an imposing figure, the guest of honour, the Mayor of Taunton, Councillor...