The following year we came to Britain, and my first recollection was of standing outside Ilford station,...
His name was Reg Lack; he was the son of our next door neighbours in Semilong Road. Although I was only 11...
We were coming home from school,the time about3.30 When the air raid sirens started.We were living in...
I used to go out and watch the daylight dog fights between the British and German planes over Exeter...
I found work in a boy's school near Ludlow, in an old mansion of a house, called Downton Hall. I...
We lived near to the coast in South Shields, and bombs fell all around us: we were told that this was...
There was the German bombing of the Russell Park Area and in particular Laxton's Orchards... It's...
My brother and I were sent to a village called Penalt on the Wye-Valley near Monmouth, we were billeted...
I don't remember when we moved back to London but when I was 7-8 I was in North Berwick with an Aunt...
By that time, my Dad had brought mum to Kettering and I was born at the General Hospital... I could see...
The young man was Martin Collins a paratrooper who was engaged to be married to my much older sister... On...
Barbara and Maureen's Story as Told By the Children of Strand Primary School: Memories of Belfast. AS...
Robert: At the time I lived at no 10 Austin Street in Ipswich backing onto the Conservative Bowling Green...
He was wearing an army officers uniform, I cannot recall his rank, but I distinctly remember he had the...
My mother, Thelma Edney often recalled some of the horrific memories she had of the terrible bombing of...
In the summer of 1940, worried about Japanese intentions in the area, the government ordered the evacuation...
I was only 5 years old at the time of the Battle of Britain but I have very clear memories of that...
All the English were trying to get out of France and my parents packed some of their belongings and set off...
We heard the next day that ' Wilsons Drapery Store' in Crouch End had been destroyed by incendiary...
Dictated by Mrs Easter - my most vivid memory is of mum dressing me in a mac and a pair of wellington...
I remember waiting in the school hall waiting to be evacuated to Blackpool... When we arrived at Blackpool...
The Maritime Ack Ack were based around Thornbury. The break down lorry driver who attended the accident...