On Mondays he wore the Army Cadet Corps uniform. Tuesdays and Thursdays it was the Air Force Cadet...
My mum and dad were As a child I remember being taken down to the Anderson shelter in the back garden. It...
In 1940 during the Blitz I stayed for six months with Mr and Mrs. Mannings who had a bakery in Lentisbeare...
So they suggested that they all went to Eaton Bray for safety, as the eldest sister lived there. But the...
We were wrapped in blankets supplied by our mothers — we would sit on the benches learning our tables...
My most vivid memory was one June day in 1944 when I was nine years old coming home from Alexander Junior...
I believe that this was a forces train -steam of course- that ran every night from Thurso to London.Naval...
It must have been a nightmare for the teachers trying to keep gasmasks and owners together... I remember on...
I was only a baby in arms but we went to Sundury in Middlesex to my Aunty. There we stayed until one...
In 1939 I was evacuated to a Girls school in Wylam... The only time I left the house was to visit soldiers...
I remember being very excited to receive a tiny doll which I call Charlie. I had to wait until I was seven...
As a small boy aged around 6 I have a vivid memory of being woken one summer evening by my Uncle and...
Middlesborough was a village near York....
They came in D's and E's and E was twice the value of D. Each month there was an announcenent of...
The Year 1941 by Eileen Barker. We were taking a walk over Earlswood Common My two little nieces and I,...
At the outset of the war we went to school part-time but the animal-lovers among us trudged the 2 miles to...
My brother was 10 and I was 9 and we went with our school to cricklewood lane station to be evacuated with...
I was evacuated to Mansfield to have the baby with more mothers who were expecting... I registered the baby...
My sister, Pauline, and I were evacuted to Newcastle-under-Lyme in 1943... I remember searching dustbins...
Bedford-War Memories...
In 1939, when I was 12, I was evacuated from Birmingham to Ashperton, which is near Ledbury. He and his...
My Aunt and Uncle ran a pub there, and we kids used to play outside. I was sent out to collect firewood,...