The certificate was awarded to pupils of the school for their part in a book collection across the Totnes...
I was evacuated with my parents from Guernsey.We were put on a coalboat which was packed full of people...
Saturdays myself and several friends served snacks and tea to troops on short leave in Oxford Town...
Just at the end of the war the first bananas arrived in Aylesbury. My friend's mum had waited for hours...
She told us that it was banana and she put it in our sandwiches for school. As told to Pauline Shaw of...
This photograph was taken on the beach in Egypt on my 5th Birthday. My early years were the war years The...
In 1944, as a 7year old at our local infants' school I was sent to colledt the registers from the other...
When war broke out I was at Ravensdale School till 1940,then when the syrens went in the night our mother...
I was just a baby when a bomb was dropped on our house in winchelsea east sussex I have only recently been...
I lived in Saxmundham in Suffolk. I remember we took in evacuees....
As a seven year old, I can remember the US servicemen at Wethersfield Air Base giving an annual party at...
My Grandad wasn't evacuated. Evacuees from Sunderland & Manchester, and some English servicemen,...
Evacuation from Erith,Kent to Dymchurch near Dover near the location of the present Channel Tunnel. A...
That's when our parents could get a bit of peace and quiet....
My grandad was evacuated from Leeds to Little Ouseburn in North Yorkshire....
I started school and had a Mickey Mouse gas mask... Afer the war, there were street parties and dancing and...
I remember as a young boy, listening to German bombers following the river severn on their way to bomb...
The one thing that I can recall quite vividly is being issued with a gas mask. It came in a cream coloured...
The USA servicemen at Wethersfield Airbase gave an annual party at Christmas for children who's fathers...
I recall being in my garden in Kent, watching train after train packed with soldiers heading north. When I...
In domestic science lessons with Miss Horniblow we were making very small Christmas cakes... When we came...
John Jones lived in Liverpool in 1940, and was moved to Chester as a 8 year old. From is house in Chester...