Auntie made sure we were spotless by two o'clock, but we had to wait longer as Georgina and Paddy were...
Our home was just opposite a park called Campbell Park, where the school, Wesley College, which my brothers...
How had they crossed Herts and Essex without Luton being warned?.. My uncle a WW1 veteran had dived under...
I ran with a rough gang of boys, much to my family's horror & ,on the way home we would chase...
Haydn Sculthorpe was born on 19 August 1924 in Peterborough, then in Northamptonshire but now in...
My aunt, uncle and cousin lived down at the bottom of the same road as us and in 1939, my aunt decided...
Eventually after going to a house where the owners were Jewish and only wanted a Jewish girl, I found...
One day I was coming back from doing one of the rounds with the canteen and I met my brother who was...
With my Father at sea, my Mother and Grandmother quickly decided that the outskirts of London was not the...
My eldest brother was the first of the family to join up and enlisted at St. Johns Wood in London in the...
I was standing at the back door about to run to the air raid shelter, but stopped due to the most...
My mum got a job in a big house in Burton and claimed me back. My mum used to go once or...
As a regular in Mrs Pearson's shop, Dad got a few extra fags and sweets... In letters to Dad, Uncle...
A newspaper account, together with a picture taken after the raid on my school, subsequently found its way...
After the funeral my mum sister and me went back down to Barnstable leaving my dad alone in London... The...
Soon after this she contracted St.Vitus Dance, a 1nervous complaint, and then Rheumatic Fever, which led to...
Other "excitements" were two 'planes down; first a Tiger Moth, a training aircraft, crashed in...
My family came from County Clare so there was no problem getting material and my mother came up with the...
Growing up in wartime Colmworth, Bedfordshire Part One 鈥 A schoolboy's memories of the...
My mom's army allowance was 42/- a week that included myself 7/6 my brother Ken 6/6 and my sister...
We were so very fortunate for the one bomb had landed about 12 feet from the front corner of the house and...