I lived in a small village called Rawcliffe in West Riding, about 30 miles up river from Hull. We had quite...
Soon after that I and my brother Bob were sent to Bourne in Lincolnshire as Evacuees. In all the six years...
The day my sister Marlene and I were transported by bus from Victoria Road School to North Road Station...
One time, I heard about this rather than saw it, because, again, it was totally illegal, poor Brunet not...
I was a young girl of 3 at the start of World War 2, living some 20 miles east of London, so...
Sadly he had a fatal motor cycle accident shortly afterwards on the Oxford Road so Mum had no one to help...
On returning to Hull my Mam worked at Robinson's Tin Works on munitions, whilst my brother, who was 5...
Mr. and Mrs Cobb had no children of their own and he made a fuss of me calling me Li'le Gel.He was...
Children, teachers and pregnant mothers. After a while the children began to return and the married lady...
We then stood there in anticipation, as Mr Fletcher, the headmaster, told us that Winston Churchill would...
I lived with my family on the Ridgeway Estate in Fishponds, I remember the local factories i.e. Parnalls,...
The only German aircraft to drop bombs on Gloucester seemed to be those which had had one or two in their...
The hatred of the prisoners, no mercy to be found, Just like a little raindrop, to be trodden in the...
I was showing her to the Italians in the cottage next door and I dropped her headfirst on the tiled floor...
Well my dad worked in the shipyard, it was classed as war service, he didn't go in the army but it was...
One day, we were down in the air raid shelter at school for about two hours and the teacher said we could...
My mother Emily Bray three eldest children attended Grange Park throughout the war years and I asked her to...
My welfare officer, Miss Roberts took me to two spinster ladies at Hutton-Le-Hole where I would spend the...
We moved in with my mother's parents Kate and Robert Adamson, who lived in a village called Bromborough...
Luckily my friends and classmates were all kept together and brother Peter was in the next village with his...