My Dad, GEORGE EDWARD HODGSON was in the Army and I believe his number was 1653513... One story my Dad told...
Milk was delivered to us on a milk cart in large churns poured into ones own jug at the door. Christmases...
During the war years I lived in Radcliffe Square, Radcliffe Gardens, Philbeech Gardens in Earl's Court,...
From Honiton station we had to march through the town, we girls in our "civis", some of the girls...
When the firebomb was dropped the Germans were trying to bomb the chemical works near us as the Germans had...
In l939 only the London County Council evacuated children officially but as Wembley was in Middlesex we...
My eldest brother, Arthur Knight, was in the Azores and then through nightmares we found out that he was...
Girl's school evacuated to Petersfield...
On the day that we arrived, we were taken to … by train to Wrexham and then from Wrexham by bus to...
Such as the U.S. Army who were up in the Weston Woods, and we also had the defences going out there to...
After a serious German bombing raid on Edinburgh, when I believe they were after the Forth Bridge and some...
My brother, an ARP messenger, drove the family car between ARP posts... After several days, temporary...
We had a Relay Radio which was very useful because they would announce when there was going to be a air...
After school on one evening as I was walking down across the fields we heard a plane, it was a German...
We were looked after, when my mum worked by a Miss Jane Sears who lived with the Rodways, in Angus Gardens....
The Germans not only occupied the village, but also the large castle, which overlooked the village and the...
We were there until just after Christmas 1940 when we were sent on to South Africa on the Empress of Canada...
A few weeks later on September 19th there was an article in the local newspaper 'The Yorkshire...
Mum was given all the off cuts and she had an outfit made out of all these off cuts and one of...
In History we learnt about the Greeks and Romans and had to draw the 3 types of Roman columns —...
We always met the nun from our school, Sister Mary Joseph and she always smiled and said "Good...