The U.S.Navy base at Queen Anne's Battery was a wide open, totally unfenced camp site of Quonset huts...
Because we were conversant with the farms, animals and the machinery when we went there the run of the mill...
My dad would come home on his bike from his days work at Morton & Weavers on Pool Meadow corner, Cox...
My poor mum was pregnant expecting my young brother February 1941 but with all the trauma around us with...
When I was a boy I lived in the village of Stanbridge, not a lot going for it, we had four street...
When the air-raid sirens went off we had to go to different places — my sister and I went to...
My grandmother was a dressmaker so I had plenty of clothes to wear and my aunt knitted me sweaters... One...
In order to get me away from the air raids that were happening in London, my parents had rented...
In late August of that year we were told to prepare for evacuation, as war was coming, and I remember...
The next morning Dad announced that F.I.D.O. stood for ‘Fog Intensive Dispersal Of’ and that it...
My parents having ration books for food and clothes; Taking a gas mask in a cardboard box to school every...
I was evacuated for the first time early in the war to Somerset with my mother who was then expecting my...
At home I remember father and mother fitting blackout blinds to the windows and then dad digging out an...
They didn't stay long because I s'pose they didn't have the bombing in Liverpool which...
Evercreech was a sizeable village in Mid Somerset and Rodmore Crescent a rough semicircle of houses built...
Mum used to come down with us and nightly she'd read us one chapter of a special book called...
A bomb blast meant that windows blew out, the ceilings fell down and tiles fell off the roof, we had lino...
Saturday morning, grey skies above as I was taken down to the schoolyard with all the other children to be...
At the last moment, Mum rescued Noel and lifted him back over the fence while Joyce and I made our merry...
Lacock village hall was a canteen for the service men and women stationed nearby... A New Zealander fighter...
Living at Sanderstead, my father decided that we were too near London and so we moved first to Sussex and...
That meant we had to shut a shop in Cathcart St. After a while another brother got called up. One brother...