A few hours later, there was a knock on the door and the man who paraded us around told me that my...
Jeanne Lindley lived in a large family consisting of close relatives and their siblings. This story...
I joined the Great Western Railway at Glynneath Locomotive Shed at 15 years of age in 1943, the shed was at...
There were also six boys from my street in Sunderland ~ one became a Japanese Prisoner of War and died on...
War was declared to my family in St Helens, Lancashire when Eunice Gerrard the 11yr old daughter of a...
This was of great interest to me, it was between the River Parrott and a canal and the ships would enter...
The air raids had not started in London and, one Sunday, my Dad came to see me as usual and was very...
Paris 1944 and WW2 was raging, my brother and sister had been sent away and as things got worse I was sent...
Walking the dog on the Winchester Golf Course. The government then started calling up people for war work...
Dad was also a weaver, but due to the effects of rheumatic fever couldn't enlist, so he volunteered for...
Evacuees were billeted in the village but they weren't billeted with people who had big houses, we...
Forage cap, heavy army boots and gaiters completed his "turn-out", but the prize, as far as I was...
First we had 6 weeks training in Lancaster and then sent to Folkestone in Kent, which was known...
My playground was the bomb sites of Mooside. Even now I don't like fire or the smell of burnt wood and...
We mothers used to take our small children with us to Ipswich School to knit socks for the Army, Navy and...
What's left of my family still have fond memories of these grand guys and particularly of sergeant...
However Mussolini allowed German soldiers into Italy and the Italian people of Pignatta Della Majoro and...
For a while nothing seemed to change, my sisters and I went to school, my father to work and my mother did...
At least you could hear the "doodlebugs", when the first V2 rockets came through Kent, it was a...
I worked in the office of J H Bounds situated in Sackville Street Manchester. The firm had its factory in...
He and Arnold went shooting rabbits too but that was not for me – somehow killing fish I didn't...