There was a large abattoir near the town centre but we had no luck there; during the war many people would...
When my Nan was a girl, at the age of six, she was on Brighton beach ordering sandwiches with her mum, two...
Having stepped out on to the platform at Holsworthy, a WVS lady counted the children and had us assigned to...
By an odd quirk of fate or memory or both, the German bombs rained down on our school on a Thursday. He...
It's a black metal grill This was a blackout cover that fits over the headlamps of a car. Even if you...
We were then billeted straight away up at the Town Arsenal, because that's where the Fire Brigade is,...
A busy first few months/Carry your identity card and gas mask at all times/Stick brown paper strips on all...
Our family, my Father, my Mother, Sister and Brother lived in Odiham, a small town in North East Hampshire,...
The Crusaders were a Christian lot At least supposed to be, Who sang their chants for all to hear On Sunday...
The first thing I remember of the war was my teacher at Goring hall in Goring in Sussex told us we would...
A few weeks later a ‘Hamdon’ bomber force landed to the East of the village on a field known as...
My father's brother, working in industry was able to help us out financially for which we were always...
He served with the BEF in France and on his return to Liverpool was sent to the Isle of Man guarding the...
My grandmother had decided that as a family, we would introduce our two evacuees, Dorothy and Alan, to the...
Usually maths and English lessons were held in the morning each day till playtime — spent out of...
At Woodvale there was a Squadron of Rocs and Skuas stationed to escort merchant ships in and out of...
I can remember that one side was open, and we children would all crowd in under the table when the sirens...
I was evacuated with my brother John to Thame, Oxfordshire just before the outbreak of War. At first we...
A few days after school broke up in July, my father would put my mother, brother Bruce and I on the 8.12...
My friend then proceeded to tell me about a nephew who had been evacuated to Wales, place called...
It was August l943 that I enlisted to the ATS and, after initial training at Wrexham in North Wales, was...