Afterwards, when I had my tea I climbed onto the settee to look out of the back room window, and there was...
The tray was on a table near to where I was sitting, so when the music started and they left their seats...
Because my father had to go off to Africa and then Italy in the Army, where we helped to run the Opera...
I thought it was where he had stayed but now through some contacts find it was The Old Hall, home of the...
One of my friends down the road was about to go out with her family to the same air-raid shelter when an...
They came home for tea and the three of them, Albert, Bill and Jack often came to visit from that day on...
My schooling was done mainly in the school airaid shelter and I can remember during the war children viewed...
My Granddad dug a shelter and when my sister and I were staying with him and Grandma, we had to get up...
When there was bombing we helped give food and shelter in Park Methodist Church where my mother was...
Our House was in Changi, Singapore, my father was an army officer and on Christmas day 1941 Hong Kong fell....
Due to many air raids on Hull, and because of five children in our family, my father rented a small...
My mother and I were staying at a lodging in Bodmin, Cornwall, provided by the army so that we could be...
I was a Nurse in Sudbury, Suffolk for two years when I had a road accident and was in hospital for twelve...
In particular, he remembers watching the glow as London burnt during the Blitz, he remembers D-Day for the...
Because I had infectious measles and couldn't go to the church hall, the warden kindly took us home to...
In August of that year I was on holiday with an aunt of mine in a small village, Bryncnig near Tywyn,...
My sister and brother had disappeared, my dad, always to be seen digging in the garden on a Sunday morning...
I lived on a small holding at Dunley in Worcestershire; with my mother, father, brother and sister and my...
My duties involved milking the cows, cleaing out the henhouses and putting in fresh straw, and helping Mrs...
It was in their cellar that my family, mum and dad, big sister and myself had to go during the airaids, the...
We had to go to school every day that summer and were told if we heard the church bells ring what ever...
I was just stood outside the shop ready to go in,when I saw the plane.I was frozen to the spot as it...