On Christmas Day in 1939 or 1940, I can't quite remember which year, but it was definatley Xmas Day, my...
Grandfather was the only man in the house during the day and Jack would have him dress up smart and take...
My first job after leaving secretarial college was as an Office Junior in Holburn in the City of London....
Emily Cranage's memories of the war were the bombs at Chad Park, and lighting cans of oil to make a...
During the war I was a paperboy for Bell's Newsagent in Norwich Road, Ipswich. They returned with all...
Many times I cycled back to Millen to see them and my friends. By Amy Hall, Ashleigh Hope, Zoe Brown, Y9...
He was a radio Salesman and engineer, and obviously the Germans would not let him, so he got salt water...
I bought a broody hen and a dozen eggs and produced 12 healthy hens with a regular supply of eggs. Although...
We, the family, my Mother, Father & Sister, waited on the platform for the Railwayman to signal with...
There was a huge AKAK gun nearby, we called ‘Big Bertha’. Two nights a week I was on ARP duty...
Many of the residents of Sawdust City were employed at the Bristol Aircraft Company's aero engine...
So, the "Tennis Section of the Andre Rubber Sports and Social Club" was formed. The Sports and...
The Intermediate School premises in Brock Road had been taken over by the German Authorities, which meant...
I passed through Grinton at approximately 7.30 a.m. each morning in an army truck but did not see anyone...
I was evacuated in 1939, when I was five years old, from Glasgow to a village in Aberdeenshire called...
The clock in question, was large made of solid wood ? walnut and had silver coloured metal figures and...
I was 9 when the war started.We lived in Leigh on Sea in the Thames estuary.By 1941 the war had hotted up...
When Thornton Varley's department store was bombed they moved into the museum — I was fascinated...
There was no bomb shelter as such, but the late Victorian school had a large cellar, which was big enough...