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15 October 2014
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Archive List > Childhood and Evacuation

Stories categorised in 'Childhood and Evacuation'. These stories may contain references to other themes.

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WW 2.Memories of these times.

He had served in WW 1.as a military policeman.He had to sleep in the cellar of" The...

War Memories 1939-45 - Mrs W Wright

I remember neighbours of St Davids Road Kingsthorpe gathered by their garden gates rather subdued when the...

Memories of Chasing Rabbits and Souvenir Hunting

As a Boy Scout I soon learnt to deliver messages in the pitch dark, from Old Lakenham Hall over fields,...

Recollections of World War 2

In those days, an army barracks known as Albany Barracks adjoined Parkhurst Prison where my father was a...

Photo Gallery
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Photos that were contributed with stories in this category.

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A British Boy in Wartime Burma

In 1942 two Japanese divisions advanced into Burma, accompanied by the Burma National Army of Aung San,...

A Child's Point of View

I had spread my toys out on the large table in the middle of the living room, army trucks and tanks on...

A Kentish Schoolboy's Memories of War

Sites of crashed aircraft were visited eagerly by us schoolboys and pieces of debris were carried home as...

A Boy's War

Home was a fairly large house, rented by my Mum and Dad in Freshfield on the coast of Lancashire, where the...

A Child's Eye View of the Birmingham Blitz: Parts 1 and 2

Well, Michael hates explosions but likes animals, so he can go and stay at Uncle Harry Claridge's farm...

The War as I Knew It - Part 2

In the front room there was another bed in the wall, where my Aunt Jean was to sleep, an open-out settee...

I was in the Brownies - Part 4

It was hard to concentrate on history lessons - Mr Parker's trousers were far more fascination.He never...

Reminiscences of World War II - Doris Fraser (nee Bysouth) aged 81

In the shelter my Mum and Dad slept on bunks that were raised off the ground and my sister Joan, brother...

Poppy's Wartime Memories - Part 1, 1939-1940

My Granny had one and this was to be shared between tow houses, Granny's and Mr and Mrs Sayers next...

World War 2 - Observations of a Child

I watched, together with my little sister as our parents endeavoured to fit brown paper across the window...

Coping In the War: A boy Scouts Memory

We went to London , and there was hardly any traffic and we got to the Mall and stopped at the bottom...

My War: Pig Bags, Rationing, and D-Day

My earliest memories in the war are of him as an ARP warden in his tin helmet checking the blackout and...

Day of Heartache

With our labels on our lapels and a small suitcase each we arrived at Doncaster - a horribly dark miserable...

A child on Naval Shore Wireless Station HMS Flowerdownicon for Story with photo

I think Mum was probable one of the reasons dad joined the Naval Shore Wireless Service and was posted, in...

Recollections 1931-1947

One, Herr Deutschkron, was I believe the headmaster of a school in Germany and was a very good language...

A Long Friendship Part 1: Pen Pals in Cleethorpes and Bremen

An English grammar schoolgirl, who was myself, and a German grammar schoolgirl, who was Lotte Schellhass...

Reluctant Private Evacuee.icon for Story with photo

Aunty Rose as we came to call her was a really lovely lady, she had not been married long and her husband...

One Child's War Part 2 A New House in War-time by Elizabeth Chapman (nee Goodwin)

Food rationing had now become compulsory and Mother, in common with every other British 鈥淢um鈥,...

Growing Up Fast

Mrs. Mason was a young girl living in Ewell, Surrey during the war and recalls the tragic crash of a...

A Child's War: Coloured Glass and Shrapnel

Every morning, after a night of bombs and explosions, we would emerge blinking from our underground shelter...

Wartime Schooldays-First Job

I was about to knock on the door of a house when the bombers dropped a stick of bombs that screamed down,...

A Wireless Child

When the war got serious and the Government too important to be satirised Handley became in succession...

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