The following story appears courtesy of and with thanks to The Liverpool Diocesan Care and Repair...
I remember the Anderson shelter in the back garden and I think I can remember sheltering there with my Mum...
I returned to Hull, but moved to be with my mother in law in Blackpool as Hull was being blitzed......
The other son worked in the munitions factory in Kentwell Hill... Crossing Caversham Bridge one day a...
I was living in Bretherton about ten miles from Liverpool and was ten years old when war broke out in...
Then, in January 1940, she was appointed Head Teacher at a village school in Dorset, where we lived in the...
You'd have curtains — you know all these things you had to buy — my father had sort of...
We had a pet Labrador called Bruce who had been with us about a year when my mother heard on the radio...
I was instructed in how to make a short speech and how to propose the health of our visitor. Even the...
My dad carried me down the hill to near the bottom of our road.There, on what I now know to be a...
Food was scarce on the Islands, they had to wait for the arrival of the Vega; they brought in lots of...
Evaline and her husband meet in King George's hall; they went to dance there which they went every...
Contents were 1lb flour, 4 oz butter, two rashers bacon, 3 eggs, 4 oz lard... Kids in winter time used to...
Children form my school went by coach to the station and we traveled for hours and hours in a corridor...
When I was four and a half, my mother had to go into hospital because of a miscarriage so I was sent...
The final digit determined where you were in your household, so in other words, there was my Mum, my Dad,...
I moved to Birmingham in 1944 just as the rockets, V1's and V2's had started... You could hear the...
On the morning of the 1st September 1939 we were taken to our school in Dagenham and from there my sister...
One time at school we heard bombing close at hand and the teachers told all the children to get under the...
I remember Vellacotts Farm and cottages at Stonehouse Lane, West Thurrock well as I used to deliver papers...
I had great fun with those hens, and knew them by name! One day when feeding the hens, a german bomber came...
After Dunkirk when it was expected that England would be invaded a friend and I were going to Canada under...