One night a bomber jettisoned its load of incendiary bombs over the immediate area — and next...
The journey was very long, stopping for other children The train gathered many on its way The urchin stood...
I had been at grammar school at home and now had to go to Newark grammar school we were not welcomed -...
Three months later mum, dad and my younger sister and brother came to visit. Bombs started dropping nearby...
The Bomb Squad came and defused it but the authorities told us we had to move so Mum & I went to...
I went on duty every Sunday voluntary at Manchester Royal Infirmary - we also took our collection boxes...
Fortunately, we went for a few days holiday to the North Devon coast.Whilst we were there the farmhouse was...
I can remember September 3rd 1939 at eleven o'clock, there was matins in Symondsbury Church, and I went...
In we would go, dog first, me second, Roger, Shirley, Mum and finally Aunt Peg, the brick of the family and...
Liverpool: Meols: Farndon- North Wales: Tripoli- Libya and Marsa Matruh- Egypt. Liverpool: Meols: Farndon-...
The Lancaster Family: Evacuation to Nottingham, Loss of a Father, Work as a Clippie. When the blitz started...
She saw I was upset and after a meal and a nice cup of tea she took me to the Police Station...
In those days we kids who lived in Croydon did not consider ourselves to be Londoners, since Trafalgar...
Brynffinon was about 1½ miles from the village of Sarn and every Wednesday, when Mr. and Mrs. Roberts...
By this time we had started our schoolwork at the old village school situated at the top of the High...
My home town is Buxton in Derbyshire were I spent my formative years living with my Mum, Dad and sister...
The ringers had heard the news from the vicarage; so with Ringing Captain, Billy Cartwright, Dad had...
We children didn't quite know what it meant but Mum always said “No!...
The policeman helped Mum out of the back of the lorry then lifted me out. So without further ado Mum...
On 1st September 1939 I was evacuated from Albert Road School, Aston to Sandhurst near Gloucester, not...
At that time the village Local Defence Volunteers had a dug-out under construction in the school grounds,...
We never went to the shelter every night sometimes the bombing eased off and we would all have partys and...