The comedian, Tommy Handly, ranked almost alongside Winston Churchill as one of the great morale boosters...
My two Aunts Ede and Lil worked in a factory doing something nevertalked about. gran stayed at home and...
My parents originated in the Stroud area, and we still had lots of relatives there, and used to visit them...
My dad was in the Army too old for active service. My mum went to work in the Chilprufe factory office in...
Whilst delivering bread in Canterbury Road, West Worthing, the air raid siren sounded and I heard a German...
As I went to work at Lilley and Skinner, Pentonville Road, it wasn't to type but instead to clear up...
For one year of the war I was a pupil of Ashford's North School for Girls. When I turned 14 however I...
Blackout curtains at the window the sound of the air raid warning searchlights lighting up a black cross on...
For what is known in Cornwall as Codling water we had a large mine boiler in the farmyard which virtually...
Eric was brought up not far from his future wife, Mavis, in London. He remembers the first twelve months of...
The things that will all ways stop with me after these years but why do we remember I was so young?. I...
We had no phones to warn Granny Charlotte so that when dad arrived to pick her up she was ready for bed...
Harry and his friends were playing cricket in the grounds of Badminton House using just coats as wickets....
The one thing I remember was we were moved to York from Manchester, into new accommodation and left the...
When she heard this, she was astonished — how had my sister got hold of some bananas when she...
YE Day was celebrated by both adults and children dancing on the square where the buses turned round on...
We had boys from Portsmouth-secondary school children. Ihad an orange dress with whitespots and my baby...
When I next saw him, several months after that, a fascinating thing happened when I used some cine film to...
Bridget chose the Munitions, she did want to go in the Land Army but her mother didn't want her to go,...
That morning a knock came on the front door, when we opened it a Police Sergeant and an Army Sergeant stood...
At the age of three my brother and myself were sent to nursery school because my mother was working in...