One day I can remember when an aeroplane crashed right near to our house, me and my brother went over to it...
Our house was in a place near a lot of factories, mills and the shipyard so the Germans tried to drop thier...
My home was an East Coast seaside town of Cleethorpes For the defence of an expected German invation,the...
My Mum and Dad lived at Hilders Bungalow, Redding Street on the Appledore Road out of Tenterden. Dad was in...
When I got into the village there was a big space where six houses stood, next door to a shopping parade -...
I was evacated from Birmingham to Stroud in Gloucestershire in 1941... My father came down to...
We had school children from Liverpool evacuated to us as we live in the country, we had a boy and a girl....
Whilst delivering bread in Canterbury Road, West Worthing, the air raid siren sounded and I heard a German...
We watched the first air battle and Tommy Parker's father was a travelling salesman. He brought home...
At Christmas 1940 Marjorie was working in Whalley in service in a big house... The house had to be branded...
My brother and I each had a cot in our shelter and everyday my Mother put hot water bottles in our cots...
During the day by the American airforce, during the night by the RAF and day and night by the Russian...
My father ran Hurtle Hill Farm and as a small boy I can remember Austrians, Italians and Germans coming to...
Mr Attoe has many childhood memories at the time of the war and focused a lot on the evacuation at the...
Sometimes we'd be walking up to school and there'd been a bomb dropped in a particular road and one...
At one time the police in Porthcawl thought my sister was a German spy! So I opened the door, recognised...
German planes flying up through the valleys to Pontypridd and firing away at people... I saw the Heinkel...
My husband lived in Gleave Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham. He was evacuated twice, for a short time to Wythall...
As we turned out of the gate to walk along by the canal on our way home he shouted, 'Five nails for...
I was living on the outskirts of Birmingham boards of Worcestershire. From the distance, as a 12 year old...
Newspapers in the garden, the 'propaganda' An american aircraft crashed near our house in...
One raid on Ashford was carried out by 12 Fokker Wolf's of the Luftwaffe, each carrying two bombs. We...