A memory that I frequently remember about the begining of the Second World War - This is of a great big...
Alan's mother, Vi, said he was so tiny that his bed in the hut was a drawer from an old chest of...
I was walking down an alley way in Rottingdean on my own after having just been playing with friends near...
During the war I lived at 6 Montrose Avenue, Tonge Park, Bolton with my Mother, Father, and younger...
In 1943, I was at boarding school in Harleston, Norfolk; when Norwich was being bombed my three friends and...
I was very lucky because I was picked by a lovely family, Mr and Mrs Powell and their daughter Derith who...
Jean Carr and her friends used to sneak away to a little hide away which was a World War 1 air raid...
As a child I remember going into the air-raid shelter under the railway on Frog lane in Wigan... And in the...
The school was next to Hornby's Mill, and in 1943 and 44 the mill was full of American soldiers - so in...
Mr. Basil de la Mare of Courtil Blicq Farm, St. Andrew's, told me as a young man a group of them had...
My uncle Jack managed to get round the order to report all livestock by keeping his pigs deep in the woods....
During the war my father owned a farm in the Kent countryside and in one of the fields was stationed a...
My story begins sometime in November 1943 when an American tank arrived in a small township in County Down...
The Morrison Shelter...
My story begins sometime in November 1943 when an American tank arrived in a small township in County Down...
Siren suits, Vera Lynn and doodle-bugs....
It became apparent with time that aircraft that flew low over the house at 9am was headed to Berlin, and...
My father was a Prison Officer working at the newly-opened Holleslay Bay Borstal Colony - it is now a...
We were only allowed to hand it over, the code breakers had to sign for it, and then send it on often...
As a child I used to go to Osmaston Park hotel to school in the basket room because my school was on...