Stories categorised in 'Childhood and Evacuation'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
Rose and Lily were tucked into the warm double bed and Granny wished them goodnight... That afternoon my...
I along with my sister was evacuated from London in the first wave of children 'sent into the...
My mam said he was abroad and they didn't want the Germans to know where my dad was. We put my bike...
I had very little information to go on but I provided the name of the family and the only other fact, there...
My brother and I had to go to bed at our usual time and it was horrible down the garden with the...
The planks were laid down and a bed made up for my two brothers. My parents decided to send me to Bedford...
We were hastily lined up and ‘crocodile-walked’ across Nottingham Road now devoid of traffic...
There were in the early occupation days, horrific tales of Japanese cruelty, of rape, which threw all...
Monday 29th December 1941 - Telegram from Mother in Singapore received in Tonbridge to say her and family...
* 11.05am 3 SEPTEMBER, 1939: straight after Chamberlain's announcement of war the sirens wernt off in...
My next encounter with an evacuee was with Florence, who was billeted with my great- aunts in Roddymoor. I...
After all these years, it is now April 2005, I can visualise part of the huge four engined Halifax bomber...
I was wretched in my homeland and my heart was heavy, picturing the equally wretched children scattered...
Cousins got married to soldiers and airmen and, together with a cousin who was the same age as me, I was a...
The story of our evacuation I was the oldest of three children born in Manchester to Arthur Pannell, a...
It seems as yesterday , a grey cheerless March morning, when our school party was taken by coach to the...
Being evacuated was a real eye-opener for all of us snotty-nosed, sharp and inquisitive London kids, the...
They showed resentment that my eldest brother, who was a regular serviceman, was serving in Palestine,...
I spent my early years in care with the Middlesex County Council and lived with 11 other children in...
The bombing started in 1940 and my sister and I had a week off from school, half term and we had a...
I'm now 70, but still have vivid memory's of those 6 years of my childhood, the German bombers...
In the far corner of the kitchen an incendiary bomb was crackling away showering whitish blue pieces over...
We went to the Aberfeldy Academy, all together, the locals in the mornings and the Glasgow vacs in the...
The fishing fleet in Rothesay fished mainly in Loch Fyne for herring, thus reducing the risks of enemy U...