One day my uncle, a sergeant in the City of London police, brought home two items - the parachute silk cord...
This mountain had been formed by chemical waste, and was not solid, but springy, and considered to be...
Hans Bloch was a German pianist, a Jewish refugee who had been accommodated by my parents in two rooms on...
Both my brothers were conscripted into the army and George, the elder, at 20 yrs, had 3 months training,...
Dad came home from work to tell us the state of the city, and our older sister Olive was still not home...
He and I talked the dog problem over together and we decided the only way I was going to know about dog...
Other children would be set to work picking potatoes up from the soil, these were spun out by a special...
Like the sound of a siren and the goose bumps that immediately appear over my body, even now, whenever I...
It was suppled by Bents Brewery in Stone and of course, loads of Yanks based at the aerodrome used the pub....
This incident happened on 28th April, 1944 when nine German 鈥淓鈥 boats broke our defences and...
My elder brother, who some months later worked away in the building trade, going to Scotland and Ireland,...
This paradise had unlimited food of a very superior type, which was served to the boy and his brother by...
Mother became pregnant with my sister Marcia who was born in the Manchester blitz, who was ten years...
During the war my Mum remained at the childrens home opposite the graveyard in Egham Staines... After that...
Boys had school ties and caps; girls wore velour hats or panama straw hats with school bands, or berets...
I was with a school friend called Billy Roberts, when a woman came up to me and said, 鈥淚'll have...
Before tea I was out playing stick and wheel when I saw three Nazi bombers circle around six times. Norman...
By the age of 14 (1942), I was working at Weymann's Motor Bodies at Addlestone, Surrey, later moving to...
It was like a yoyo, every time a bomb exploded, the door was dragged open, pulling me with it. The bombing...
Also with an engine shot to a stop over the airfield, the aircraft that overflew our avenue bungalow...
I was evacuated to Greenaffield in Mold and billeted with a couple with two small children in a cottage...
One weekend our ATC section camped at Felixstowe, near the Languard Fort, where there was an air sea rescue...