We stayed there until November 1940, and then moved to Johannesburg, which is about 1,000 from Cape Town. I...
Dances in the Park In the centre of Kings Heath Park stood a large marquee, and for a small sum of money,...
Roger Rawlinson and his wife also had a few people round at his house, where we studied the 'Orchard...
I was born and brought up in a small village in West Sussex called Fernhurst and like all small villages we...
1941 — While a student at the school of Art on top of the Public Hall, Barnsley, I was persuaded to...
Sometimes Uncle Bill would kill a hen that had stopped laying and it was cooked in a saucepan as a...
When he had to go back we all went to Haughley station to say goodbye, Mum was very very upset, the worst...
My father was immediately sent to the Middle East with the Royal Artillery and my brother Bertie was posted...
The Germans had firstly bombed the water mains and then sent in the planes with incendiary bombs, althought...
My sister and I were down the lane in a cottage with a lady Naomi and her elderly dad who looked like...
Living in Ashtead it was said that the Germans unloaded their bombs there if they had missed their targets...
When we expected to be invaded, soldiers used Louth church spire as a look out because on a clear day you...
I was twenty-one and was living with my husband, Cyril, in Roundhay, Leeds, when war broke out in 1939. My...
Just before war was declared, gas mask fitting took place in the local church hall,. When war was declared...
The pilot boat came up to the lifeboat and diverted it from heading into the lighthouse landing and led it...
My family lived in College Road, Kensal Rise N.W.London and I went to Princess Frederica School at the...
The drays would unload, to the poor devil in his nest. Ralph had been a prisoner at the infamous....
We were there until just after Christmas 1940 when we were sent on to South Africa on the Empress of Canada...
My father was a dhobi man - a washerman - and the family laundry - Wrigley's - was doing well enough to...
In the first week or two there came to Carlisle boys and girls as evacuees from Newcastle and Tyneside...
It was time to evacuate again, with only Ron and Dad remaining in London. Before I go onto the next Exodus...
As the youngest child in a family of four children I watched and listened to family arguments. We also kept...