Trowbridge was one of those towns completely taken over by the military during the war and the area where I...
We believed that the Germans used Salisbury Cathedral to fix their position, before heading to the real...
She lived with my grandparents, her brother and sister in a tenement style flat 3 or 4 stories up at 285...
The sinking of a large ship carrying children to Canada by a German submarine and further such passages...
I was born in Walsall West Midlands I was 14 years old when WW2 was declared, I can recall vividly...
Approach the bomb on your stomach and lie flat while you counted up to 50 slowly — the Germans placed...
I attended school, Pluckley Church of England,The milkman also used to come along on a tricycle, he had...
The guttersnipe had turned into a country bumpkin....
We were evacuated twice, each time accompanied by my mother, the first occasion to one of the lodges at...
As well as recording details of all the events as they unfolded across Europe, John's family obviously...
As German air raids intensified against the SE of England, the area soon became known as 'bomb...
"I came to Blackpool with the evacuees because my father, being employed by Manchester Corporation, had...
David Hall was born in 1934 and lived at Walton on the Hill. The one bomb we had a Walton on the...
I was nine years old when the War started and my Mum was in bed having just had my youngest sister the...
Two nights before they exploded the bomb, mum went to feed the chickens she got caught by a policeman. On...
My sister's mother-in-law called it the "sirene" which we always laughed about later... He knew...
Gordon wasn't evacuated, although many children from Sunderland were. Although many of Gordon's...
They chose the children they fancied, gave addresses to the billeting officer. Boys were not wanted but as...
During Assembly one day, the Headmistress told us that pupils from all over Scotland were being recruited...
My grandfather, his beautiful accent from the hills of Perthshire still true after 50 years in the...
The little German girl took one bite of her sandwich and spat it out!.. She couldn't pronounce the word...
On one night in particular, with my brother and I sharing the same double bed, My dad rushed into our...